​​The Thrive School of Practical Spirituality!

Our Purpose
We are a new and evolving cooperative community of healers, teachers, and students dedicated to learning and sharing how to live, grow, and serve in uplifting ways! Our purpose is to find, highlight, magnify, and support the people and organizations whose lives and
work offer inspiration and uplifting modeling for us all.
The Thrive School of Practical Spirituality invests in and empowers people in a wide range of activities, including:
Hosting presenters, teachers, workshops, and events offered by a wide range of people, organizations, traditions, and disciplines.
Serving as a "hub" for people and leaders to connect with one another, exchange encouragement and friendship, and collaborate in imaginative ways.
Organizing community service projects to help meet the needs of special populations, while also educating the community of the caring, value, and efficacy of the participating teachers and providers.
Providing ongoing opportunities for a lively and enjoyable exchange of different people's questions, insights, and modeling of what it means to live with as much awareness, consciousness, love, and kindness as possible.

What's Coming?
While we are a new school, we are already hosting some great events and classes in our Thrive Community Acupuncture office, as well as remotely on Zoom! Here is a list of some of the events we have hosted since starting the school. And...we're just getting started! Soon we'll be launching our official school website where you can take or teach classes online!
Check out this list to see what we've been up to and also check out our upcoming events on the link below!
Spiritual Parenting - Inspiration and Support to Help Your Parenting Flow from Your Highest Wisdom!
Lift the Veil, Embrace the Love, and Build Your World! (A 4 week series on Zoom)
Integrative Alignment and Reiki Energy Work Training
In-Spirit Talks with Nancy and Robert Evans!
Life, Loss & Hope - An Intimate Conversation to Help You Navigate Life's Beset & Worse
The Art of Mindful Breath with a Luscious Meditation
Ascending the Ladder of the Spiritual Levels
You Got This! Uplifting Conversations About Growing Your Way to a Fulfilling & Loving Life
Want to Play With Us?
One of the phrases Nancy and Robert have heard from our spiritual teachers over the years has been, "Everything has to change down to the last blade of grass." For sure, we are living in a time where there is much change, some of which is very uncomfortable. And yet, many people are seeking ways to live their lives with more spiritual awareness, recognizing that how they are within themselves effects what they are creating in the world around them. We are far more powerful than we realize...
This new and inspiriting school can be a wonderful journey for those involved! Are you ready to create a better world for yourself and others? Click on the links below for more details and if you are so led, contact us to see how you can play with us!
Check out these flyers from previous events!